Sounding Guide

Penis Plugs and Sounding Rods

The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are quite different in form and function.


  • Both are used in urethral play
    •Both are inserted into the tip of the penis
    •Both can enhance sexual pleasure


  • A penis plug is meant to be worn during sex and masturbation activities, kind of like jewelry. Some are solid, and some are hollow, to allow urine and ejaculate to pass through.
  • Penis plugs are usually shorter and sometimes have ribs or notches to keep them from slipping out.
  • Sounds are primarily longer (sometimes long enough to reach the bladder) and generally smooth.
  • Sounds can be moved in and out while playing. Kind of like massaging the inside of the penis. Only use small, gentle strokes.

How to do it:

The process itself is quite simple. The main thing being that if you feel pain or extreme tightness or pressure, stop. There may be scar tissue or other blockages and you don’t want to run the risk of tearing something in there.

Before doing anything, make sure your tools are clean and sterilized. You can sterilize your sounds in boiling water (boil for thirty minutes or so) and, when you’re ready to start, make sure your penis and your hands are both clean.

 If the sounds (or hands) end up touching something not clean, you run the risk of inserting whatever bacteria it may be into your body. Wash again and start over.

Once the implements are cleaned and cooled to a safe temperature, you’ll want to lube the sound as well as the area around the penis hole. Slowly let the rod slide into your urethra, pushing gently to ease it in.

The first few times it may take some time to get used to the sensations and feelings.

The key is going slow. Once you get used to the size and the feeling of something inside your dick, you can begin to experiment a little bit by switching up the size of the sound or even rotating it while inside you.

Penis plugs: As I mentioned earlier, these are a bit different from sounds. They perform a similar function (sexual pleasure), but they are designed to be inserted, and then left in place. Kind of
like shiny jewelry for your cock! The designs and styles available are almost limitless.

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